Fairy Rings
– Enigmatic Features of Namibia
The circles
look like nothing out of the ordinary – just some round bare space in the
middle of some dry area or grassland, often in the desert or even on a dune or
just somewhere in the wild but to date, the reason behind them is still one of
nature’s most guarded secrets.
Just as unique
to Namibia as Welwitschia mirabilis an endemic to the Namib desert is,
the circles are only know to be found in Idaho in the U.S.A.
MYSTERY ... A picture of the ‘unexplained’ circles. |
The circles
are barren land with no vegetation but with their perimeters more often than not marked by some taller [more robust] grass such as Stipagrostis giessii around them while between them is another other type of grass, Stipagrostis uniplumis commonly found in the Namib desert. These circles are more prolific in Namibia but they are also found in southern Angola and just into the northern part of South Africa.
The secret to
their occurrence has brought renowned plant scientist, Prof Eugene Moll back to
the country to see if this time around, he can dig up the secret behind why
these unique features occur.
During a talk
organised by the Botanical Society of Namibia last week Monday, Moll, currently
in Namibia undertaking research in the south of Namibia on these 'circles' or
'rings' as he prefers to call them said that he hopes that this time around he
will come close to the reason of their occurrence.
them as sometimes concave (especially in the North) bares circles or ellipses
generally occur in a monospecific grassland matrix only on sandy, calcrete and
pebbly ground. “They can be small (2-4 metres in the south and west) or usually
much bigger (up to 10 by 15 meters in the north),” he explained.
While their
causes are just as intriguing, Moll said that though to date the causes of the
rings are not known, there are however many theories about their origins. “Some
of the fancy theories are such as that they are made by fairies, dragons and
extra-terrestrials while the more scientific theories include underlying
geological faults, plants or animals remains such as euphorbia damarana, fossorial animals, termites and seed-harvesting
ants among others. They are also said to be geochemical in origin,” he
But one
fascinating aspect of the rings is that they are not found in the Kalahari.
“The Kalahari is one of the most exciting places to find many kinds of species
but these are not found there,” Moll said.
C.F Albrecht, J.J. Joubert and P.H de Rycke concur in a research they conducted
about 10 years ago. They said that besides the research of K. L Tinley (1974)
who described the rings as fossilize termitaria, other more trivial
explanations have been given as impact points of broken-up meteorites, rolling
spots for zebras, indications of locations of Ovahimba huts, localized
radioactivity and even locations of ‘Flying Saucers”. Among the Ovahimba
people, some of the oral myths include gods, spirits and natural divinities as
causes of the rings.
Many studies
by scientists in Namibia and Southern Africa area concur that the rings which
grow to between two and 12 meters in diameter, are a continuous development,
though close to 30 years later, their reason for existence is still a mystery.
Moll also
discussed Tinley’s work saying that published suggestions that would be also
reliable include G. K. Theron who in 1979 implicated that they were Euphorbia damarana 'graves' in their
formation while in a study done and published by Theron and colleagues A. Eiker
and N. Grobbelaar suggested microbial action inhibiting grass growth.
In a paper he
wrote in 1994, Moll, just like Eiker, felt termites had something to do with
the rings but unlike some of the writers, he feels that the rings are still alive.
There are also researchers such as Walter Tschinkel (2011) who postulated that
fairy rings 'appear quickly and fade away slowly' over a period of years,
besides the fact that they are alive.
It is believed
that because the areas where the rings are found is said to be in some of the
most remote and inhospitable areas on the planet, this might be a cause for the
non-intensive research on these unique features. It is generally felt, however
that there is some biological origin and/or toxic gas component involved in
their formation, related perhaps to toxins left by poisonous plants but this
too is not proven as yet, something that Prof Gretel van Rooyen, botanist from
the University of Pretoria concurs with.
Moll said that
the research he and his team are carrying out is bringing forth some
interesting findings. “Our recent research using ground penetrating radar,
shows a 'curtain' below the rim extending to as deep as 10 meters,” Moll
explained. “This is present in all kinds of fairy rings with live grass roots
at 1.2 meters and more, suggesting a biologically active lens underlain by a
more moist deeper soil layer,” he added.
In his earlier
research, which is also quoted by Albrecht et al., Moll says that termites were
the main agents in the ring formation and that the lack of vegetation in the
rings was compatible with surface foraging by the termites. In support of this
theory, he found termite casts and a few individual termites after digging a
trench of 0.75m deep and 0.30m wide through a number of the rings (see
picture). The termites were identified as Baucaliotermes hainsei
(Fuller) and Psammotermes allocerus (Silverstri). His research showed
that there were rings in different stages of colonization by plants, thereby
concluding that the rings were dynamic.
The plant
ecologist who is also professor extraordinaire in the Department of
Biodiversity & Conservation Biology at the University of the Western Cape,
is author of, “What's that Tree? A Starter's Guide to Trees of Southern
Africa”, the latest edition to the 'What's that' series that includes
birds, snakes, butterflies and reptiles. The book, which is also available as
an eBook dispels myths regarding African baobabs, rhino
horns (as aphrodisiacs), tannin and phenol content of certain trees and shrubs.